Date:  February 11, 2025
Meeting Time:  6:30 p.m.
Location: Tamuning Senior Citizen Center

Boat America Class

January Newsletter


National Safe Boating Week 2024 Meeting

Lines and Knots


Saturday, 24 December 2016

Merry Christmas from around the Pacific!

Merry Christmas from around the Pacific!

~Felis Pasgua (Chamorro)
~Maligayan Pasko (Tagalog)
~Peren en Krismas (Pohnpeian)
~Monono ilo raaneoan Nejin (Marshallese)
~Falang e Baynag (Yapese)
~Tok Tapeng (Kosraean)
~Ungil Kurismas (Palauan)
~Pwapwan Kirisimas (Chuukese)
~Mele Kalikimaka (Hawaiian)
~Ameseighil ubwutiiwel Layi Luugh me raagh fee (Carolinian)

Saturday, 17 December 2016

Merizo Angel Tree Event Meaningful!

Thank you to all the USCG Auxiliary members who came out to assist with the Coast Guard’s annual Merizo Angel Tree gift giving celebration on December 17, 2016 at the Merizo Pier.  Our USCG island Santa arrived at the dock just in time to give gifts to the children.  We hope to see you at next year’s event.  Enjoy the following snapshots!

The Socks!

Saturday, 10 December 2016

REMINDER: Merizo Angel Tree - Dec. 17

Join us for the annual gift giving celebration with the Coast Guard at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, December 17, 2016 at the Merizo Pier.

Flotilla 24 COW a Success!

The Flotilla 24 Change of Watch (COW) held Saturday, December 10, 2016 was a success!  It was held at the Windward Hills residence of COMO F. Gumataotao.  A dinner followed by the swearing in ceremony took place.  Si Yu'os Ma'ase' to everyone who joined us for this special event!

USCG Aux Meeting - Jan. 10


January 10, 2017

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Location: CALS Building, University of Guam, Rm. 127

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

REMINDER: USCG Auxiliary Meeting - COW - Dec. 10

USCG AUXILIARY Change of Watch (COW) Dinner

December 10, 2016

Dinner Time: 6:00 p.m.

Meeting Time: 7:00 p.m.

Location: COMO Frank Gumataotao's House, Windward Hills

Important USCG Auxiliary Links to Bookmark!

USCG Auxiliary -
CG Aux Member Portal -
District 14 -
USCG Auxiliary National Testing Center -
USCG Auxiliary Association -
USCG Exchange -

2016 International Coastal Cleanup Snapshots

Hafa Adai from the USCG Auxiliary Guam Member/Webmaster!

Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera
USCG Auxiliary Guam Member/Webmaster

Welcome to the USCG Auxiliary Guam website! We aim to use technology effectively to expand the ways we share knowledge by reaching out to as many of our auxiliary members as possible with a touch of a button all while reducing our printing costs and our carbon footprint by consuming less paper.

We have activated the USCG Auxiliary Guam website using a blog format, so that various auxiliary events can be archived for years to come! Here you’ll find the latest USCG Auxiliary Guam news throughout the year and more!

I would also like to acknowledge FC Paul Sablan, VFC Jodie Barnhouse, and my brother Fred who serves in the USCG Auxiliary in the Bay Area.  They are the inspiration behind why I have volunteered to maintain this website.  Si Yu'os Ma'ase'!