Biba Ha'ånen Mannå'i Ģråsia! 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂
Lines and Knots
Wednesday, 25 November 2020
Sunday, 22 November 2020
Swearing-In Ceremony - Dec. 03 at 1600 (Guam & Saipan Time)
A swearing-in ceremony for all elected officers via ZOOM will be attempted on Wednesday, December 2, 2020 at 2000 hours (HST). On Guam and Saipan, it will be on Thursday, Dec. 03 at 1600. DNACO will do the honors if available. Swearing In ceremony to be recorded for Auxiliary members unable to attend.
All officers should be wearing the Tropical Blue uniform with accompanying ribbons, devices and shoulder boards appropriate to their newly-elected status. Covers need not be worn since it is assumed all will be indoors. Elected officers may invite their respective appointed officers to also be sworn in at this time, but for those who may not be able to participate, their oath of office can be administered by Flotilla or Division elected officers at a later date/time.
Please look for an e-mail from COMO Zwicky with the appropriate ZOOM link to join the ceremony in early December.
Congratulations to all, and here’s to a productive Auxiliary year to come.
Condolences for the Mendiola Family
Daily rosaries are being held daily from Nov. 22-29, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. (8:00 p.m. CST) via Zoom, Meeting ID: 691 692 2160. There is no password required. Kindly enter with cameras and mics off to conserve bandwidth and prevent audio feedback.
The mass of intention for Rick will be at the San Vicente Catholic Church, Barrigada on Sunday, 10 a.m.; Weekdays, 6:00 p.m., & Saturday, 7:15 a.m. Funeral information will be announced later. Si Yu’os Ma’ase’ for keeping the Mendiola family in your prayers.