Date:  February 11, 2025
Meeting Time:  6:30 p.m.
Location: Tamuning Senior Citizen Center

Boat America Class

January Newsletter


National Safe Boating Week 2024 Meeting

Lines and Knots


Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Spring Issue of RBS Job One

The Spring 2022 Issue of RBS Job One is now available online. It contains useful information for all involved in promoting Recreational Boating Safety. 

This issue features information on a variety of Recreational Boating Safety topics, including these articles: 

  •  Award winners  
  • Boating Safety Isn’t Just One Week a Year  
  • PVs and VEs Go Hand-in-Hand: Program Visits Often Lead to Vessel Safety Checks
  • Vessel Examiners Save Lives: Real-World Stories Thinking Outside the Box for Program Visits
  • A Basic Paddling Safety Message
  • Vessel Safety Checks for Paddlecraft: It’s about the conversation

 Click here to view the latest 

Spring Issue of RBS Job One.

Thursday, 23 June 2022

Happy 83rd Anniversary USCG Auxiliary!

 R 231719Z JUN 22      MID200001867686U





ALCOAST 226/22

SSIC 16790


1.  To the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, Happy 83rd Birthday from everyone in our United States Coast Guard!

2.  The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and its exceptional heritage of service dates back to 1939, when Congress authorized the formation of the Coast Guard's "Volunteer Reserve", an organization of enthusiastic volunteers dedicated to the promotion of recreational boating safety throughout the United States. This organization has grown and evolved remarkably over the last eight decades. The men and women who serve in the Auxiliary have selflessly devoted their time, skills, and expertise across an increasingly diverse array of roles and missions to assist the Coast Guard, and to preserve and protect our Nation's maritime interests.

3.  As the world continues to navigate through the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic, we celebrate the Auxiliary's commitment to service, and its adaptability in overcoming the complexities presented by this virus. Persevering through these uncertain and unprecedented times, the Auxiliary and its membership have continued to make significant impacts nationwide. Auxiliarists have faithfully augmented Coast Guard units as watchstanders at communications centers, delivering critical assistance to resolve search and rescue cases; as culinary specialists, preparing outstanding meals in dining facilities ashore and at sea on multiple long voyages aboard the CGC EAGLE and CGC HEALY; as healthcare professionals, providing much needed healthcare services and augmenting our shortage of Flight Surgeons. Coast Guard Auxiliary interpreters provided critical services on over 75 translation missions in support of DHS and the Coast Guard. Auxiliary Chaplains have improved the mental and spiritual health of our workforce by contributing over 10,000 hours of operational support in crisis care and religious ministry. The Auxiliary never wavered from its determination to promote safety amongst our Nation's recreational vessel operators. In 2021, the Auxiliary completed over 42,000 vessel safety checks and nearly 50,000 marine dealer visits; truly extraordinary results that highlight the exemplary commitment displayed daily by the Auxiliary to ensure safety on our waters.

4.  We also recognize the Coast Guard Auxiliary for its continued growth and dedication to finding new and innovative ways to support the Coast Guard. During the past year, the Auxiliary has worked closely with Coast Guard Cyber Command to establish an Auxiliary Cyber (AUXCYBER) program; an exciting initiative that will leverage Auxiliarists with high-level cyber expertise to support the Coast Guard in strengthening and protecting the Nation's Maritime Transportation System. More recently, Auxiliarists have supported the Coast Guard's response along our Nation's Southwest border. Their dedication and support has proven invaluable to the preservation of our Service's readiness and capabilities upon which the Nation relies.

5.  We are extremely proud of our Coast Guard Auxiliary. Please join me in recognizing this significant milestone by congratulating our Auxiliarists on their outstanding performance, and for their exceptional Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty. Bravo Zulu and Semper Paratus!

6.  POC: CDR Bradly Winans, COMDT (CG-BSX-1) at:

7.  ADM Linda L. Fagan, Commandant (CCG), sends.

Friday, 17 June 2022

USCGAUX Meeting/DIRAUX Welcome - July 8

July 8, 2022
Dinner Time:  6:00 p.m.
Meeting Time:  7:00 p.m.
Location: PCOMO Frank Gumataotao's House, 1455, Cross Island Road
Windward Hills, Yona

Monday, 13 June 2022

Value of Diversity Revisited with Special Feature: Guam Flotilla June 2022 Diversity Calendar

Guam Flotilla June 2022 Diversity Calendar

It is essential that we continue to value diversity and the richness it brings to all our Auxiliary members, family, and friends.  “Diversity is essential.  It enables us to appreciate others from all walks of life from every part of the globe.  It embraces acceptance and respect.  This is because every individual is unique and can contribute greatly to missions,” said DCDR/SO-DV Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera.

Rivera said Division 2 embraces diversity.  She said that FSO-DV Mae Mendiola and AFSO-DV Jovita Alcantra took the lead in strengthening values that promote diversity and include activities that allowed all auxiliary members to embrace cultures and positive differences.  This month's calendar highlights various events, including National Fishing & Boating Week, Flag Day, Father's Day, Philippines Independence Day, Juneteenth, Iceland Independence Day, World Refugee Day, World Rainforest Day, Chicago Blues Festival, National Logistics Day, Social Media Day, and more!

Diversity calendars are published in the Guam Flotilla's monthly newsletters for all to learn from and celebrate the richness each month brings.  This is because everyone is a valuable part of what we do to serve the public.

With the recent easing of COVID-19 restrictions, the Division will revisit diversity social gatherings with rich cultural servings from regions in the Pacific and other parts of the world.  Next month's diversity social gathering will feature Chamorro cuisine.  Past gatherings also included delicacies from the Philippines, Germany, and more! The fellowship remains positive and encouraging, and this is evident in the camaraderie shared among all members.

Saturday, 4 June 2022

Boat America Class - July 9, 16 & 23

Last Lions Clubs International D204 Saturday Story Hour of LY2021-2022 Celebrates Summer Time & Special USCGAUX/MDFR Boating Safety Feature for the Youth!

Have an enjoyable summer!  Si Yu’os Ma’ase’ to all our Featured Readers:  Jennifer Gumataotao, Mark Duplass & Lion Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, USCG Auxiliary, along with all those who joined us for our D204 Lions Clubs Summer Saturday Story Hour!  We'll see you next Lion Year, keep reading, and stay safe on waterways! 🦁📚😎🚤🌻🌞☀️🎉

Families join in the D204 Lions Clubs Summer Saturday Story Hour 

USCG Auxiliary/MDFR Feature:  Boating Safety

Featured Story:  What Happens in Summer? by Sara L. Latta 
Star Reader:  Jennifer Gumataotao

Featured Story:  When a Dragon Moves In by Jodi Moore
Star Reader:  Mark Duplass

Featured Story:  I See Summer by Charles Ghigna
Star Reader:  Lion Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, USCG Auxiliary